Tuesday, October 28, 2008
For family night tonight we carved pumpkins. It never seems like they last very long once they're carved so we'll see if they make it to Halloween.

While Michelle was carving she said, "I think this is the first time I've been able to carve all by myself." I think she's right. Last year we didn't do them because I was in Utah with my Kitty who had been hit by a car (see post about summer) and the year before, I don't think we did them. How does the time fly by so quickly?
Rick was all about the pumpkin power tool. Sadly, a double A battery doesn't last long.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Help for the compu-illiterate
Hey, I want to change my background but I have no idea how to do it. Help? :)
If we sold our house, we could cruise once a month and just live in a shelter the other 3 weeks

So, we celebrated our 15th anniversary this year and were hoping to be able to go on a cruise. With the economy the way it is, we weren't sure if we were going to be able to make it before the end of the year. Mid-September I googled "last minute cruises" and found some great deals. We decided to try to go in October when my mom would be here to watch the kids.
We've done two cruises by ourselves and really wanted to go with somebody this time. First, we tried to convince the Passey's to go with us. They had just moved and we were desperately missing them already. They gave us every excuse in the book and we gave them every solution in the book but, try as we might, we couldn't get them to come (It was pretty much a re-run of just before they moved. Maybe we should just take the hint ;)). So then we tried the Eaves'. They celebrated their 15th this year also and were dying to come, but it was just too last minute and they already had commitments. I even put it on my stinking Myspace and Facebook. Lots of interest but no bites. Again, too last minute.
So... when you can't find any friends to go with you on vacation what do you do? Take your kids! I know, I know, it sounds like a punch line to some joke, but we had an absolute ball!

We decided to go the week of October break so they wouldn't miss much school. They had to get some work done early because it was the end of the quarter but they didn't complain. Our port was in Orlando, Florida so we stayed the night before the cruise and the night after in a hotel near the beach.
So many people we talked to really want to go on a cruise. We're thinking of planning one with a big group of friends for next summer or Spring Break of 2010. Let us know if you want to be included and we'll start gathering input on time and place!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Half My Life
The other day Rick and I were talking about things we did when we were dating and how long we've been together. We figured out that the day we met had been just a few days more than half my life ago. HALF OF MY LIFE!
The better half ♥
(Senior ball 1993)
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