Our sweet baby is finally here!
(and I'm finally blogging about it)
He came a day early so he didn't get the cool birthday I picked for him (01-10-10), I guess he wanted to pick his own day. :)
My water broke Saturday afternoon so I had to hurry to the hospital before my placenta ruptured.
I was on the phone with my amazing friend Lisa when it happened so she hurried over to take me to the hospital. Rick was on his way to the airport to pick up my mom, so I called him to tell him what was going on. Imagine my mom's surprise when she got in the car "a day early" and he told her they were going to pick up the kids and head straight to the hospital!
They all got there in plenty of time.
When I got to the hospital, they took me right into triage to make sure my water had actually broken. It was such a tiny bit that I wasn't positive that was what had happened (and I was still holding out hope that the baby would wait one more day). The nurses were afraid to do anything that might disturb my placenta so we had to wait for my doctor to check me.
Just Kidding!! Used car salesman was at the TOP of my list. :)
My placenta ruptured just a few minutes before I moved onto the operating table. It was pretty scary but everything turned out just fine.
After a difficult time of getting him out and the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times, our screaming baby boy arrived. :)
Born 1-9-2010 at 4:19 pm
7 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long
It was quite the ordeal picking a name for this little guy. There were a few we crossed off as soon as we saw his face. We had been talking about using my dad's name as a middle name and when he was born with two features that were distinctly my dad, it was settled. But we discovered there aren't many names that go well with Kent. All of the one syllable names were out. Blake was one of our favorites but Brandon said Blake Kent sounded like Blanket. And with the whole Michael Jackson thing... :)
We himmmed and hawwed for 3 days
We were torn between Jordan and Justin. Justin wasn't even on our original list but we added it when we saw him.
The kids liked Jordan,
Rick and I liked Justin,
the birth certificate lady came around,
Rick had the paper in his hand,
and Baby Boy Hansen became
and Baby Boy Hansen became
Justin Kent Hansen.
Just like my dad. ♥
Welcome to our family baby J.
We have waited for you for so long. ♥
1 comment:
ok so it is time to post on here!!
Cute blog Jenny.
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