Thursday, January 29, 2009

Making Peace Before I Get There

I know, I know, it's been forever.
Well, we're going to visit the Passeys tomorrow and since Krista's the one that forced me to have this blog [:)], I figured I'd better try to update it before we get there. That way I won't have to experience her wrath and we can just get to the having fun part.

The next few posts are updates on what went on around here since my last post back in Nov.
"Hello!" to new friends that have found me. Sorry I've been such a slacker, I'll try to do better. :)

(November- check, December- check, Christmas- working on it, January- thinking about it)


Kenna Koona said...

What the crap does that mean? You really think you'd have to face my wrath? I was going to razz you a little but NO wrath involved. Counting the moments, Angel Fish!

The Hansen Family said...

I was just kidding Punkin Pie.

Jilynn said...

Looks like you've been having fun! Have a fun trip and tell the Passey's hi! Your horses are beautiful! I would love to take the kids some time to see them still. Let me know when a good time is. . .

The Hansen Family said...

I'm there all the time, just call me when it's good for you.

Cadi said...

Loving the updates!!! Thanks!