So anyway, she did convince me to go.
At first I was thinking of taking our bikes. Then I remembered the gas station air thingy and the pumping up of flat tires that would be required.
Then, watching Penny running around and acting super cute that morning, I decided it would be fun to take dogs with us. Since Michelle and I were the only ones going (Rick was at work and Brandon was at gym, the story of both their lives), we could only take two dogs. I wanted to take Penny because she would have the most fun, and I decided Bosco was the best choice for #2 because I thought he could handle it best. Bandit is getting so deaf that he's a little hard to handle in a crowd and Tony's so little, sometimes he doesn't even finish when I take them for walks at night. When he's done, he'll just wait in the middle of the road until I turn around and head back home.
So Bosco and Penny it was.

On your marks,

Okay, okay. So it WAS a fun run.
Who knew?