Halloween was a little bit stressful, but only because of my signature procrastination. I spent the morning researching GPS units for Rick's birthday (on Sunday) then headed to the school at lunchtime for Michelle's class Halloween party. At school, Michelle told me she really wanted to decorate our car for the trunk-or-treat. This whole trunk-or-treat thing is new to me. In our old ward we just had a fall festival, no dressing up or decorating required. So now it's 2 pm and I don't have one piece of candy to give out and I'm trying to think of some way to decorate our car. I decided to make our car a hospital for sick pumpkins so I headed to Costco for candy and scrubs. Lots of candy, no scrubs. I went home to pick up Michelle and she reminded me she still didn't have a binki for her costume. She stayed home to clean her mouse cage and I headed to Wal-mart for scrubs, a binki and pumpkins. Got scrubs for me, none in Rick's size, and a binki. No pumpkins. So now I'm running out of time and wondering what the heck I'm doing anyway. Stopped at Fry's. No pumpkins. Went to Albertson's, got 3 pumpkins. Now I have to carve the stinking things! I called Rick and had him stop by our friend Ryan's to get some scrubs for himself and got to work on the sick Jack-o-lanterns and the car. Sometime in the middle of pumpkin carving, I remembered I was supposed to bring cornbread. Ooops. Needless to say, we were late. It was still fun though. I realized that nobody does any funny decorating, it's just halloween decorations.
Next year will be much easier. :)

Michelle was a baby. Here she is with her friends Brooklyn and Whitney the pirates, Andi the hula girl and Claire the fairy.

The hospital
Thanks Peterson's for fun as usual!
I love the sick pumpkins!! so cute!
I love it when I make things harder when they have to be :-) I try not to, and I get away with a lot being a "working mom" and all.... but, I went to like 5 places for Halloween too :-) Oh well.... Where`s Brandon in all this? morso
He wore his lab coat for all of 3 seconds and then went to a movie with his friends. Party pooper :)
I'm sad that I wasn't there to doctor the pumpkins up...sniff, sniff :(
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