I just had the best dream.
I was sitting in a padded chair in the corner of a room wearing this funny flapper dress costume and a pink-orange jacket.You, Mom and Michelle were there and we were all talking. Mom left the room and I was thinking about movies I had rented that I wanted to watch. I started to sing, "Why do birds suddenly appear, every time, you are near?" You joined in with me, "Just like me, they want to be, close to you." You stood up and started to dance with Michelle and suddenly the room was our kitchen, right in front of the railing to go downstairs. You and I sang the whole song together. Each verse lasting forever as you and Michelle danced on the cracked linoleum of the kitchen floor. I could hear your smooth dark voice so clearly, like you really were right there singing to me, like so many times...
I kept thinking, "I've GOT to go get my video camera! When I thought he was gone the thing I regretted the most was not having a recording or a video of him singing. I don't want to make that mistake again."
Toward the end of the song, I stopped singing and Michelle joined in with you. You were still dancing. At the end you were standing behind her, helping her do silly actions, until she took over. She stepped forward and belted out, "Just like meeeeee" (arm movements and spinning) "They want to beeeeeee" (Stop. Arm actions Dum, Dum, Dum, dmmmm!) "Close to yoooooOoooouuuu!!!" (Arms in the air for a final pose)
You were grinning, we were both applauding wildly. I yelled, "Bravo! Take it on the road!"
I thought, "If they do it again for a video, I hope it will be just as cute the second time." I got up to get the camera and that's when I woke up, grinning from ear to ear with my heart so full of love. Your voice still lingering where I could almost hear it, and the image of you looking so proudly at Michelle, loving every second of this little moment in time.
Laying there with my eyes open I slowly realized, you really are gone. I can't go get a video and I'll never be able to see, or hear, a replay of our duet and Michelle's finale.
But I could write it down.
So here I am. And there you are, your voice still ringing in my ears and images of you fresh in my my mind. My eyes and cheeks wet and my heart so full.
I miss you so much. ♥
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Last day of summer, First day of school
For the last day of summer, Michelle really wanted to do something fun. I was all shopped out (not to mention out of money) and all the Jr. High pools were closed to get ready for the first day of school.
Not wanting to go anywhere too crowded or too far from home, I decided to call my friend Susan and see if we could come to her house to swim. Of course she said yes, so we called some friends and headed over.
Not wanting to go anywhere too crowded or too far from home, I decided to call my friend Susan and see if we could come to her house to swim. Of course she said yes, so we called some friends and headed over.
Brandon, being the good big brother he is, didn't want to let any of the kids down the big slide.
Luckily there were enough kids to overthrow his totalitarian dictatorship.
The rope swing is always fun, if you can get a turn.
The teens
The kids who still know how to have fun. :)
Trenton, Kapono, Cody, Michelle, Noelani and Bailey
Thanks for a fun last day of summer Susan!
Now for the big day!
After painted nails, neckline hair trims, showers and straightening hair. Father's blessings, laying out clothes and going to bed early.
The day has finally arrived.
For Brandon this year
it was all about the cool jeans.
For Michelle, as always,
Yes, I know...
I know I skipped past the first 7 months of the year. Maybe now that the kids are in school, and I'm feeling a little better, I'll try to fill in some of the blanks.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thanks Michelley!!
My cutie Michelle changed my blog for me! She even added music and picked out songs she thought I would like.
Thanks Michelley, you're the best. ♥
Thanks Michelley, you're the best. ♥
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Making Peace Before I Get There
I know, I know, it's been forever.
Well, we're going to visit the Passeys tomorrow and since Krista's the one that forced me to have this blog [:)], I figured I'd better try to update it before we get there. That way I won't have to experience her wrath and we can just get to the having fun part.
The next few posts are updates on what went on around here since my last post back in Nov.
"Hello!" to new friends that have found me. Sorry I've been such a slacker, I'll try to do better. :)
(November- check, December- check, Christmas- working on it, January- thinking about it)
Well, we're going to visit the Passeys tomorrow and since Krista's the one that forced me to have this blog [:)], I figured I'd better try to update it before we get there. That way I won't have to experience her wrath and we can just get to the having fun part.
The next few posts are updates on what went on around here since my last post back in Nov.
"Hello!" to new friends that have found me. Sorry I've been such a slacker, I'll try to do better. :)
(November- check, December- check, Christmas- working on it, January- thinking about it)
December in a Flurry
We kicked off December with our annual trip to see the National Rodeo Finals in Vegas with our friends. Every year I get stressed as we smush it into an already too busy December and swear that it's our last year. Then we get there and have so much fun that I can't wait until next year.
Here we are on the strip, sticking our heads out the sunroof stopped at a red light.

In September, Michelle started a musical singing group that she just loves. We got home from Vegas just in time to see her first recital.Here she is with her teacher Miss Jenee.
Conveniently, Rick left his wallet in the car. 
I got to go with Michelle's class on their field trip to a flight center.
I got to go with Michelle's class on their field trip to a flight center.
Here we are in a helicopter simulator. It was really cool. All of the controls actually did the functions they do in a real helicopter.
Here's Michelle in the airplane simulator.
Michelle turned 11 on the 17th. :(
At her party, she wanted doughnuts instead of a cake. You can read more about her party on her blog. :)
In the morning she opened presents (which I obviously didn't get any good pictures of), and that night, she and I went to a cooking class at Shar's and learned how to make lots of yummy Christmas cookies.
After two years and two months Rick finally got his braces off!!
The crazy thing is, no one noticed! He went to work the next day and finally had to tell everyone (at 3:00) that he got them off. Our friend Katherine Cook (the one in the red at the charity dinner) is the only person who ever noticed and asked him about it. Yes, yes, I know they were clear but still...
Michelle turned 11 on the 17th. :(

Christmas with the Hansens
Every year we go to Utah for Christmas, so Rick's family always has a party before we leave.
Here are all the cousins, waiting to open presents (except for Rick's older brother's 6 kids. Their family didn't come).
Brandon and Michelle did their infamous "Cecilia" routine
Brandon played a couple of songs for us on Jenny's new piano.
We decided to take a picture with all of the girls wearing the headbands Rick's mom had given us for Christmas. The problem was, there wasn't one for Rick's mom.

November in Pictures
Have you ever had one of those experiences when you show up wearing the same thing as someone else? Well in early November, Rick came out to breakfast first. Then Brandon came out. They looked at each other and laughed. Then came Michelle. They all laughed. They came to get me (I was still in my PJ's of course) to show me how funny it all was...
So then a couple of weeks later, we went out with a bunch of friends. We met Blaine and Lisa Aurich at Tia Rosa's and Rick and Blaine laughed because they were both wearing black striped shirts (Rick's was black on black, Blaine's was black with skinny white stripes). Then came Kristian, Robin and David who were all wearing either black on black or black with white. Last to show up was Sean. Of course we were all gawking out the window to see what he was wearing...

My baby turned 18 months old. :( He's almost as big as his momma now.

Penny went into heat the same week it got really cold outside. I didn't want to leave her out so I found some diapers, cut a hole in the back for her tail and strapped it on with duct tape. She was SO funny when she first started walking around, she didn't know what to think. :)

Yes it's true, our party is now down to 12.

We buried her next to Peanut.
We're just waiting for the little red fern to begin to grow.

I joined a drill team mid-Nov and have had a lot of fun. It's good for my mare to have to do something structured and not just have fun all the time. :)
(I'm in the foreground in red)
Michelle and I did the Turkey Trot at her school.
Michelle and I did the Turkey Trot at her school.

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